Friday, October 1, 2010

Good things are happening!

Okay, first, it's finally October!!! And I'm not excited because it's now Fall or that Halloween will be here soon, I'm excited because October means my husband will be home from Afghanistan next month!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! After nearly 7 months of not seeing his handsome face I am SOOOO ready for him to come home!

Next up, my sister will be visiting from Hawaii here shortly! Yes, I am pumped, I haven't seen my sis since March! I can't wait to see her and her cute little baby bump and I'm super excited for the girls to play!

And lastly, GRACIE IS FINALLY POTTY TRAINED!!! Potty training that girl had been my nemesis for the past year, let me tell you, but she finally just decided to do it all on her own! FINALLY! :)

So yes, I'm a happy girl and good things are happening! :)


  1. Congratulations on the potty training! We have been working on the boys for about a month, and today they BOTH walked over (independently) and told Josh they needed to poop. Then THEY DID IT! ON THE POTTY! It's PARTY TIME in the Cunningham household!

  2. Yay! I hope Jeff gets home ASAP!!!

  3. YAY! I am so happy for you that Jeffy with be home soon and I am SO SO SO excited to come and see you and those babies! I miss them!
